Application Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in our program. We ask that you familiarize yourself as much as possible with our website and tour the campus or attend a parent information night.

After careful consideration, if Parnassus Preparatory Academy is the right fit for your family's educational needs, you should complete aN Application INQUIRY.

Ready to Apply? Click on the APPLICATION Form to get started.


What are the next steps after I submit an application?

Family notification of availability. We will contact you beginning the week of April 7th if there is space available for your student.

Pay registration fee. There will be a $225 application fee for each student. This fee covers student testing and application paperwork.

Bring in your student for testing and a family interview. Every new student is tested to determine his or her academic and behavioral preparation for our program. The testing process takes 30-40 minutes and helps our teachers assess in which grade the student will be most successful.

Attend the parent interview. Families participate in a parent interview with PPA administrators to assess whether Parnassus Preparatory Academy and prospective families are a good fit for one another. During the interview, parents and administrators will discuss the family’s ability to provide co-teaching for their students, the alignment of the family’s values and educational priorities with the mission of the program, classical education, and the family’s application documents.

Notification of acceptance. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by May 15. Accepted students will then receive a packet with further information about fall enrollment.