Our Culture
At Parnassus Preparatory Academy, we believe deeply that a complete education of the whole child includes the development of character. We focus on one of virtue each month we are in session and hope to inspire you with practical ideas to teach these virtues at home.
Core Virtues is a practical, non-sectarian approach to character education. Each month teachers highlight a key intellectual, moral, or civic virtue – such as respect, responsibility, diligence, honesty, generosity, or perseverance. They read quality children’s literature at a “Morning Gathering” to provide inspirational or insightful examples of virtue in action. The reading of these well-written and often beautifully illustrated stories helps children fall in love with the good, and cultivate a vocabulary of virtue.
Virtues highlighted each month in the Core Virtues program are common ground, consensus virtues, not controversial social or political agendas. A partial list includes: respect, responsibility, diligence, gratitude, honesty, generosity, perseverance, courage, faithfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and humility.
The program objective is to ignite the imagination of the young, inspiring them to do and be their best. The program is a catalyst for academic success because it encourages the habits of the mind and heart that are necessary for quality scholarship.